The Official Electric Shopping Website of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission

Interested in listing on

If your company is not currently listed on, and you are interested in advertising your services, you may request an account to publish your prices and contact information. Review our list of official suppliers if you're unsure.

Are you a supplier already listed on

If your company is currently listed on, you may request a login (or a password reset) to update your prices and contact information. Review our list of official suppliers if you're unsure.

Supplier & Broker Frequently Asked Questions

1. Keep your pricing current.

2. Honor your posted prices.

3. If a customer calls and says the price on PAPowerSwitch is different than the price on your website, you should honor the PAPowerSwitch posted price since the supplier is responsible for updating the offers on the website.

4. Please keep your account reps/contacts up-to-date.

You are allowed to have more than one (1) account rep. You may want to have a generic email account that several people can use to log in to update offers.

Limit your offers to no more than five (5) offers per each EDC rate schedule.